Well, I once again crack open a beer which gives me great excitement and regret at the same time. I know it'll be awhile before I can indulge in a Smuttynose beer again, but alas - I'll relish the ones I have - and this one is their Robust Porter.
It pours opaque with a tight caramel colored head.
The smell is smoky and malty. There are hints of chocolate and a mildly sweet aroma.
It is a thick beer with deep malt. Very robust indeed. There is definitely a smoky taste, as well as chocolate tones that arrive just after the smokiness. It has a very full body - perfect to enjoy as the days grow colder.
The aftertaste is very chocolate - fairly thick and as it lingers, the smokiness is there as well.
As I've mentioned in prior posts, the Smuttynose is a MUST if near New Hampshire - check out the Portsmouth Brewery in Portsmouth!
From their website:
Pale 2-row, Carastan, Dark Crystal, special "b", chocolate malts
Hops: Cascade
5.7 % with 15 IBU's
Also, a little trivia.... From the website, they mention that porter was a favorite among dockworkers and warehousemen - thus the name "porter". I'm curious if this is really how the beer got it's name....